Posts in self portrait
Brisbane Boudoir Photographer ~ Stephanie Bowers Photography

Introducing the newest set to the studio for 2024…. “Gilded Dreams”

Brisbane Boudoir Photography ~ St Andrews Cross

Since I moved into the new studio earlier this year, I’ve done a lot of renovations to bring you all the most comprehensive and luxe boudoir photography studio in Australia.

The latest addition to the studio this week is the St Andrew’s Cross. This Bondage Cross stands out with its contemporary eye-catching minimalistic design, bringing your ultimate fantasies to life.

I cannot wait to incorporate this piece of furniture into upcoming boudoir photo shoots. Check out a few shots of the cross below in action, as well as the video!

Brisbane Boudoir Photographer ~ Self Portraits

It’s been a red hot minute since I’ve had a chance to blog some of my self portrait work. These are all images I’ve captured over the last few months. If something here jumps out to you as inspiration for your own boudoir shoot with me… let me know!